Fox Newsletter Friday 10/02/17 (copy 01)

Fox Primary School weekly newsletter
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This week in Pictures

This week, year 4 combined their history learning about the Romans and their numeracy leaning about telling time to make a Roman numeral clock! 

Year 3 investigating the relationships between multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100!

Reception learning Spanish with Ms Hernandez

Dates for the dairy
Monday  20th February
  • INSET day 
Tuesday 21st February 
  • Children back to school 
Wednesday 8th February
  • Governors premises meeting 8am
Thursday 9th February
  • Year 5 and 6 watching Romeo and Juliet at the National theatre
Friday 10th February 
  • Mid Year report out to parents 
Thursday 2nd March
  • Last Reception parents literacy workshop from 8-9am


Weekly Theme: Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. This year for Safer Internet Day, KS1 and KS2 explored the power of image in digital youth culture. Image and video sharing are powerful tools of communication, self-expression and creativity, but there can be pressures, risks and potential negative consequences. On Safer Internet Day we aimed to empower children to have a positive time online and inspire everyone to ‘Be the change’ and use the positive power of image to help create a better internet. Over half term, we are asking the children to design their own emoji for the #giveasmile social media campaign calling on children to use the power of emojis and selfies to help make the internet a more positive place. 

If you would like to find out more, please visit

St Anne's Update

Year 1 Weekly News


Year 1 have had a fantastic week! The children have really enjoyed their gardening this term and this week they have been busy painting and potting plants. In Science, the children carried out an investigation to decide what materials to use to wrap Max and Coco’s birthday presents. The children experimented with different materials and decided that the most important thing is to make sure the material is opaque. The most exciting part was when the children unwrapped all of their presents! In maths, the children have been solving missing number patterns. The children have spoken in full sentences to explain their understanding and we have been very impressed with their problem solving skills!


Year 2 Weekly news 
This week, Year 2 have done some some fantastic writing based on the story of 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. We have been blown away by the quality of their writing and the words they have been using! In PSHE, we looked at different religions and some religious festivals that are celebrated and the children shared some of their own experiences. We have just finished our unit on money in numeracy and have loved hearing about the different shops the children have been creating at home to help them with their learning! We are now starting to explore 2D and 3D shapes and look forward to investigating this more next half term. In PE, Mr Kelly commented on the improvement in the children's hockey skills, particularly dribbling, and they have loved putting this to practice in team matches. The children have been working so hard and we hope they all enjoy a very well earned rest!

Spring Term Parent/Carer Consultations
St Annes                             
Tuesday 28th February         - 2pm – 6pm               Years 1 & 2
Wednesday 1st March          - 3.30pm – 5.30pm     Years 1 & 2

Fox Primary School
Wednesday 1st March          - 2.00pm –5pm          Class 6J only
Thursday 2nd March             - 2.00pm – 6pm          Reception and Years 3 - 6
Friday 3rd March                   - 2.30pm –5pm          Reception and Years 3 – 6 (not 6J)   
Online appointment booking system
This allows you to choose your own appointment times with class teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointment. This must be the e-mail address we hold on the system for you.
Appointments can be made from today and will close at 1pm on the consultation day.
Should you wish to make any changes after this date, please contact the school office.
Please visit  to book your appointments. 
Login with the following information:
Your Title, Forename and Surname
E-mail address (you will get a reminder if you do this)
Pupil’s Preferred Forename:
Pupil’s Surname:
Pupils Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY
School Nurse

 On Tuesday 28th February from 9-10am,
Nadine will be leading a
sleep workshop for parents at Fox. She will share advice and research on how to support your child to get a good night's sleep and respond to any queries or concerns.

Date for your Diaries: Bedwetting Workshop
In response to parent interest our school nurse, Nadine Powell, will be leading a parent workshop on bedwetting at 9am on Tuesday 28th March. She will provide practical advice and support on how to deal with night time toileting accidents and on helping children to move on from pull-ups.

We are pleased to let you know that we will be holding our Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) History week from 6th to 10th March.


A focused Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) History Week provides us an opportunity to celebrate BAME culture, history and achievement. This also complements our work on the issues of prejudice and racism. We will explore the concepts of identity and belonging through a range of mediums such as dialogue, drama, texts, music and art. During the week, the children will enjoy lessons, activities, trips and workshops specifically linked to Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic themes. 


As always, we hope to welcome special guests to share their experiences and answer the children’s questions. In the past, Fox parents have suggested suitable people amongst their own friends and acquaintances willing to act as such guests. These people would be black, Asian or ethnic minority role-models (for example, people particularly successful in a given field) who would be comfortable talking to the children about their work or achievements and answering their questions. In addition, this year, we would like to hold some BAME family history sessions. If you are available to come in and speak for 15 minutes about your family’s background and history, we would love to hear from you. You are welcome to bring along photos or any other relevant props to illustrate your talk.


Anyone who can help in this or any other way, please contact Uz Afzal and Hannah Rickman


Autumn Term 2017
Mon 4th September - Inset Day – School closed
Tue 5th September – FIRST DAY OF TERM                  
Fri 20th October – LAST DAY OF HALF TERM    
Mon 23rd to  Fri 27th October - Half Term        
Mon 30th October – Inset Day – School closed
Tue 31st October - FIRST DAY BACK
Wed 20th December – LAST DAY OF TERM                  
Spring Term 2018
Tue 2nd January - Inset Day – School closed
Wed 3rd January - FIRST DAY OF TERM
Fri 9th February - LAST DAY OF HALF TERM
Mon 12th to Friday 16th - Half Term    
Mon 19th February – Inset Day – School closed
Tue 20th February - FIRST DAY BACK
Thu 30th March - LAST DAY OF TERM                       
Summer Term 2018
Mon 16th April - Inset Day – School closed
Tue 17th April - FIRST DAY OF TERM
Mon 7th May – Bank Holiday
Mon 28th May to Fri 1st June - Half Term                    
Mon 4th June - FIRST DAY BACK
Fri 20th July - LAST DAY OF TERM

 Westway Year 5 Boys Football Draw
Tues 21st Feb 4:00
 Ark Brunel v St Francis
 St Mary Abbots v Avondale 1
 St Francis v Fox 1
 Thomas Jones v NHP
  St Clements v St Charles 2
Fox 2 v St Charles 2
St Mary's v Colville
Fox 2 v Bevington

Westway Year 5/6 Mixed Netball Draw
21st Feb
 Thomas Jones v St Charles
 Avondale 2 v Fox 1
 Oxford Gardens v Thomas Jones
Whole school attendance to date 96.94


RC Yanyun

Yanyun has come on so far this term. We are so proud of the way he talks to his talk partner and joins in with lots of our songs and chants in the classroom. Yanyun is also reading so well with his partner, remembering all his sounds and tricky words. Keep it up, Yanyun!​

1B Gaia Gaia has shone in her learning this week. In literacy she is soaking up all the ideas on the carpet and is super keen to include them in her writing. Gaia has been working very hard with her talk partner in maths and always wants to share the answer with the class. Well done Gaia!
1H Bea Bea has been a shining star this week! She is always full of wonderful ideas and is happy to share them with the class. Furthermore, she is always very kind and polite and can often be seen being a busy ‘Bea’ making sure the classroom is always neat and tidy! We are lucky to have you in 1H. Well done Bea! 
2B Milli  Milli has been a super star this week! She has shown us just how much brilliant work she can do and we are very proud of her. Milli did some amazing sounding out in phonics and used her robot talking to help her spell perfectly. Well done   Milli. Keep up the great work!
2J Peter Peter has made such an effort with his learning this week. He is always polite to adults and has brilliant manners. Furthermore, this week Peter has made a huge improvement in asking for help when he needs it, which has been a target of his. We are so pleased that you are using your voice Peter—keep it up!
3B Esther Esther is a daily star as she is always kind and considerate to staff and peers, she has superb manners and she is an excellent example of the Fox values. We have been particularly impressed by how systematically and efficiently Esther worked with her partner to tackle and solve challenging numeracy problems in this unit, showing fantastic resilience and collaboration. Very well done Esther!


Diana is a superstar every week. She puts 100% effort into all her lessons and this is evident in the quality of her work. She is a brilliant friend and talk parter, as she uses clear and concise language to explain her ideas. Diana also opted out of golden time this week in order to help tidy the bookcorner- what a star!​is a superstar every week. She puts 100% effort into all her lessons and this is evident in the quality of her work. She is a brilliant friend and talk parter, as she uses clear and concise language to explain her ideas. Diana also opted out of golden time this week in order to help tidy the bookcorner- what a star!​

4F Oscar

Oscar has demonstrated his love for learning in numeracy this week. He was persistent in the face of a technical challenge, but was not deterred by the difficulty of the task. He was also passing on his new found knowledge to others and helping those around him. What a star learner!  

4W Nicolien

Nicolien is a superstar every week! She is incredibly kind and helpful member of the class. She is also a supportive and conscientious student who approaches every area of learning with great enthusiasm! Keep up the incredible work

5P Vilnius

Vilnius is star of the week because of his enthusiasm, passion and dedication towards his learning.  He eagerly approaches all tasks with positivity and is always keen to be challenged, improve his knowledge and share his ideas with his peers. Vilnius - you are a  superb role model for us all! Well done!​

6G Uluc

Uluc has been making a real effort to improve his behaviour recently and is taking an increasingly mature approach to his learning. He has also been setting a good example to younger children with his behaviour around school. Well done Uluc - keep it up!

6J Xavier 

Xavier -For showing excellent resilience in numeracy this week. Xavier has applied himself during his assessments and has taken his time to check back through his work. He also persevered when faced with challenging questions. I hope this positive approach continues!

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