Reception have been making their own beadstrings to 20 to use in class. They changed colours every 5 beads to help them count more quickly
Year 6 taking part ina Romeo and Juliet workshop at Ashburnham school
Year 5 and 6 before taking part in their indoor sports competition
Dates for the dairy
Tuesday 7th February
Mindfulness workshop for parents @ 8.30am
The Headteacher of Latymer Upper visiting Fox am
Wednesday 8th February
Nikki Gamble reading CPD session at Fox
Thursday 9th February
KS 2 parents maths workshop @ 8.30am
Reception at Holland Park pm
Friday 10th February
Last day of half term
Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic History Week (BAME) We are pleased to let you know that we will be holding our Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) History week from 6th to 10th March.
A focused Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) History Week provides us an opportunity to celebrate BAME culture, history and achievement. This also complements our work on the issues of prejudice and racism. We will explore the concepts of identity and belonging through a range of mediums such as dialogue, drama, texts, music and art. During the week, the children will enjoy lessons, activities, trips and workshops specifically linked to Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic themes.
As always, we hope to welcome special guests to share their experiences and answer the children’s questions. In the past, Fox parents have suggested suitable people amongst their own friends and acquaintances willing to act as such guests. These people would be black, Asian or ethnic minority role-models (for example, people particularly successful in a given field) who would be comfortable talking to the children about their work or achievements and answering their questions. In addition, this year, we would like to hold some BAME family history sessions. If you are available to come in and speak for 15 minutes about your family’s background and history, we would love to hear from you. You are welcome to bring along photos or any other relevant props to illustrate your talk.
Anyone who can help in this or any other way, please contact Uz Afzal and Hannah Rickman
This week, Year 1 has blown us away with their amazing drama and writing of Jack and the Beanstalk. They impressed us with their story telling language, amazing adjectives and tried their best to remember all of their capital letters and full stops! They should be very proud of their fantastic writing!
In Geography and Art, the children made their own Notting Hill. The children loved this art activity and made some great buildings. We had a police station, flats, hospitals and houses. Thank you to all of parents for bringing in junk. The children have loved going to the Westway for their PE lessons this week.
Year 2 This week, Year 2 were very excited to go on a trip with Years 3 and 4 to the Lyric theatre in Hammersmith to see Fantastic Mr Fox! We have been looking at Roald Dahl and this particular story all term so it was a real treat and definitely helped us to think about how to write our stories next week. In literacy, we have been getting ready for our retelling of a part of Fantastic Mr Fox and have come up with some fantastic language to use in our writing. In numeracy, we have been looking at money. We thought about the value of different coins and notes and what coins we could use to pay for items, as well as working out the change we would receive if we paid for various items with a £1 coin. The children loved pretending they were shopkeepers and customers and it really helped their understanding. We have been really enjoying getting creative in art and this week was no different, the children experimented with blowing paint across their page and we loved looking at all the different effects this produced!
Spring Term Parent/Carer Consultations
St Annes
Tuesday 28th February - 2pm – 6pm Years 1 & 2
Wednesday 1st March - 3.30pm – 5.30pm Years 1 & 2
Fox Primary School
Wednesday 1st March - 2.00pm –5pm Class 6J only
Thursday 2nd March - 2.00pm – 6pm Reception and Years 3 - 6
Friday 3rd March - 2.30pm –5pm Reception and Years 3 – 6 (not 6J)
Online appointment booking system
This allows you to choose your own appointment times with class teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointment. This must be the e-mail address we hold on the system for you.
Appointments can be made from today and will close at 1pm on the consultation day.
Should you wish to make any changes after this date, please contact the school office.
Please visit to book your appointments.
Login with the following information:
Your Title, Forename and Surname
E-mail address (you will get a reminder if you do this)
Pupil’s Preferred Forename:
Pupil’s Surname:
Pupils Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY
School Nurse
On Tuesday 28th February from 9-10am,
Nadine will be leading a sleep workshop for parents at Fox. She will share advice and research on how to support your child to get a good night's sleep and respond to any queries or concerns.
Date for your Diaries: Bedwetting Workshop
In response to parent interest our school nurse, Nadine Powell, will be leading a parent workshop on bedwetting at 9am on Tuesday 28th March. She will provide practical advice and support on how to deal with night time toileting accidents and on helping children to move on from pull-ups.
Romeo and Juliet workshop
Year 6 took part in a Romeo & Juliet workshop led by the National Theatre this week in preparation for their trip to see the play after half term. The workshop focused on characterisation, using body language to express emotion for a range of characters at different stages of the story. The children were imaginative, creative and really brought the play to life! They had a great time and really enjoyed practising their drama skills!
Next Weeks Fixtures:
Westway Year 5 Boys Football Draw
Tuesday 7th Feb
Ark Brunel v St Charles 1
Avondale 1 v St Francis
Fox 1 v Thomas Jones
Barbly v NHP
Avondale 2 v Colville
Bevington v St Mary's
Avondale 2 v Oxford Gardens
Fox 2 v St Clements
Westway Year 5/6 Mixed Netball Draw
Tuesday 7th Feb
Avondale 1 v St Clements
Bevington v St Francis
Barlby v Fox 2
Weekly theme:
National Storytelling Week is from 28 January - 4 February this year and is held by The Society For Storytelling. Their mission is to promote the oral tradition of storytelling which was the very first way of communicating life experiences and the creative imagination. This week the children all learnt about the oral tradition stretching back from the Ancient Greeks!
This website has lots of fun resources, which have some useful tips about how to make up and present your own story!
Autumn Term 2017 Mon 4th September - Inset Day – School closed Tue 5th September – FIRST DAY OF TERM Fri 20th October – LAST DAY OF HALF TERM Mon 23rd to Fri 27th October - Half Term Mon 30th October – Inset Day – School closed Tue 31st October - FIRST DAY BACK Wed 20th December – LAST DAY OF TERM
Spring Term 2018 Tue 2nd January - Inset Day – School closed Wed 3rd January - FIRST DAY OF TERM Fri 9th February - LAST DAY OF HALF TERM Mon 12th to Friday 16th - Half Term Mon 19th February – Inset Day – School closed Tue 20th February - FIRST DAY BACK Thu 30th March - LAST DAY OF TERM
Summer Term 2018 Mon 16th April - Inset Day – School closed Tue 17th April - FIRST DAY OF TERM Mon 7th May – Bank Holiday Fri 25th May - LAST DAY OF HALF TERM Mon 28th May to Fri 1st June - Half Term Mon 4th June - FIRST DAY BACK Fri 20th July - LAST DAY OF TERM
Whole school attendance to date 97.02
We have been very impressed with the level of independence Chloe has shown during her learning this week. Chloe challenged herself by completing lots of different maths activities all by herself, using different maths resources to help her. She made an number line of ordinal numbers, practiced her number formation all the way to 23 and found lots of ways to make the teen numbers using Numicon! Fantastic maths learning Chloe!
Astrid has amazed us all with her incredible writing this week. She wrote an amazing story all by herself using her phonics strategies brilliantly. An author in the making! Astrid works so hard at everything she does- an example to us all
Julia has shone in her acting and writing this week. She confidently narrated the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to the class. She used story telling language and spoke clearly to
engage the audience. Julia impressed us all with her imaginative ideas in her writing.
Well done Julia!!
Maximilien has shone in all areas of his learning this week. He has shown fantastic speaking and listening skills and his hand is always shooting up to answer questions! We have all been impressed with his problem solving skills in Maths and his explanations have been excellent. Well done Maximilien!
Thomas has truly been a star this week! He has really impressed us with his manners and kind and supportive words. He was tremendously encouraging to all the applicants of the school council and modelled perfect behaviour on our school trip to see Fantastic Mr. Fox. Well done Thomas!
Elvis’ love of school shines through every week and he is such a kind, helpful member of 2J. Elvis showed exemplary behaviour on our theatre trip this week and is always doing the right thing in class. Elvis always has such lovely, positive words to say about the other members of our class and always brightens our day!
Violet has been a superstar this week, working really hard on her typing. Her spelling has been fantastic and she came up with excellent vocabulary in our pirates narrative unit. Well done for all this hard work Violet!
Brandon has made a huge effort this week with his learning and his focus. He has written a fantastic opening and build up of his pirate adventure, using exciting adjectives and adverbs that kept the year 3 team on the edge of their seats! He has also made a huge effort in his before and after school clubs. In breakfast club is was incredibly helpful and he is making great progress in Spanish club. Well done
Victor has been a brilliant mathematician this week! He has worked really hard on the new methods we’ve been learning in class and always pushes himself onto the challenges. He has super sharp mental maths skills too. Well done Victor!
Zohar is a star every week! She puts 100% effort in all of her learning. This week, we have been impressed with her journalistic writing on her newspaper report. We are so lucky to have her in 4W! Keep up all of the great work!
Daisy is such a great team player and class member. She is always kind and considerate to other and takes care of those around her. She is a great talk partner - listening respectfully and with interest to her partner's ideas and always willing to share her own, explaining her thoughts patiently and with clarity. Thanks Daisy
Vitto has been a star in so many things this week! She was an enthusiastic participant in our Romeo & Juliet drama workshop, a great sportsperson at the Sportshall Athletics and has made excellent contributions in all of our lessons. Vitto comes to school every day with a such a positive and hardworking attitude, adding star quality to everything she does!
Ahmad has had a fantastic term! He has been enthusiastic, focused and a helpful member of 6J. His mature attitude on his trips this week also really impressed us – he showed excellent sportsmanship and represented Fox brilliantly. Keep up the excellent effort Ahmad!
Fox Newsletter Friday 03/02/17
Reception have been making their own beadstrings to 20 to use in class. They changed colours every 5 beads to help them count more quickly
Year 5 and 6 before taking part in their indoor sports competition
Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic History Week (BAME)
We are pleased to let you know that we will be holding our Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) History week from 6th to 10th March.
A focused Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) History Week provides us an opportunity to celebrate BAME culture, history and achievement. This also complements our work on the issues of prejudice and racism. We will explore the concepts of identity and belonging through a range of mediums such as dialogue, drama, texts, music and art. During the week, the children will enjoy lessons, activities, trips and workshops specifically linked to Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic themes.
As always, we hope to welcome special guests to share their experiences and answer the children’s questions. In the past, Fox parents have suggested suitable people amongst their own friends and acquaintances willing to act as such guests. These people would be black, Asian or ethnic minority role-models (for example, people particularly successful in a given field) who would be comfortable talking to the children about their work or achievements and answering their questions. In addition, this year, we would like to hold some BAME family history sessions. If you are available to come in and speak for 15 minutes about your family’s background and history, we would love to hear from you. You are welcome to bring along photos or any other relevant props to illustrate your talk.
Anyone who can help in this or any other way, please contact Uz Afzal and Hannah Rickman
St Anne's Update
Year 1
This week, Year 1 has blown us away with their amazing drama and writing of Jack and the Beanstalk. They impressed us with their story telling language, amazing adjectives and tried their best to remember all of their capital letters and full stops! They should be very proud of their fantastic writing!
In Geography and Art, the children made their own Notting Hill. The children loved this art activity and made some great buildings. We had a police station, flats, hospitals and houses. Thank you to all of parents for bringing in junk. The children have loved going to the Westway for their PE lessons this week.
Year 2
This week, Year 2 were very excited to go on a trip with Years 3 and 4 to the Lyric theatre in Hammersmith to see Fantastic Mr Fox! We have been looking at Roald Dahl and this particular story all term so it was a real treat and definitely helped us to think about how to write our stories next week. In literacy, we have been getting ready for our retelling of a part of Fantastic Mr Fox and have come up with some fantastic language to use in our writing. In numeracy, we have been looking at money. We thought about the value of different coins and notes and what coins we could use to pay for items, as well as working out the change we would receive if we paid for various items with a £1 coin. The children loved pretending they were shopkeepers and customers and it really helped their understanding. We have been really enjoying getting creative in art and this week was no different, the children experimented with blowing paint across their page and we loved looking at all the different effects this produced!
Tuesday 28th February - 2pm – 6pm Years 1 & 2
Wednesday 1st March - 3.30pm – 5.30pm Years 1 & 2
Fox Primary School
Wednesday 1st March - 2.00pm –5pm Class 6J only
Thursday 2nd March - 2.00pm – 6pm Reception and Years 3 - 6
Friday 3rd March - 2.30pm –5pm Reception and Years 3 – 6 (not 6J)
Online appointment booking system
This allows you to choose your own appointment times with class teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointment. This must be the e-mail address we hold on the system for you.
Appointments can be made from today and will close at 1pm on the consultation day.
Should you wish to make any changes after this date, please contact the school office.
Please visit to book your appointments.
Login with the following information:
Your Title, Forename and Surname
E-mail address (you will get a reminder if you do this)
Pupil’s Preferred Forename:
Pupil’s Surname:
Pupils Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY
On Tuesday 28th February from 9-10am,
Nadine will be leading a sleep workshop for parents at Fox. She will share advice and research on how to support your child to get a good night's sleep and respond to any queries or concerns.
In response to parent interest our school nurse, Nadine Powell, will be leading a parent workshop on bedwetting at 9am on Tuesday 28th March. She will provide practical advice and support on how to deal with night time toileting accidents and on helping children to move on from pull-ups.
Romeo and Juliet workshop
Year 6 took part in a Romeo & Juliet workshop led by the National Theatre this week in preparation for their trip to see the play after half term. The workshop focused on characterisation, using body language to express emotion for a range of characters at different stages of the story. The children were imaginative, creative and really brought the play to life! They had a great time and really enjoyed practising their drama skills!
Westway Year 5 Boys Football Draw
7th Feb
Avondale 1 v St Francis
Fox 1 v Thomas Jones
Barbly v NHP
Bevington v St Mary's
Avondale 2 v Oxford Gardens
Fox 2 v St Clements
Westway Year 5/6 Mixed Netball Draw
7th Feb
Bevington v St Francis
Barlby v Fox 2
Weekly theme:
National Storytelling Week is from 28 January - 4 February this year and is held by The Society For Storytelling. Their mission is to promote the oral tradition of storytelling which was the very first way of communicating life experiences and the creative imagination. This week the children all learnt about the oral tradition stretching back from the Ancient Greeks!
If you would like to find out more please visit
This website has lots of fun resources, which have some useful tips about how to make up and present your own story!
Autumn Term 2017
Mon 4th September - Inset Day – School closed
Tue 5th September – FIRST DAY OF TERM
Fri 20th October – LAST DAY OF HALF TERM
Mon 23rd to Fri 27th October - Half Term
Mon 30th October – Inset Day – School closed
Tue 31st October - FIRST DAY BACK
Wed 20th December – LAST DAY OF TERM
Spring Term 2018
Tue 2nd January - Inset Day – School closed
Wed 3rd January - FIRST DAY OF TERM
Fri 9th February - LAST DAY OF HALF TERM
Mon 12th to Friday 16th - Half Term
Mon 19th February – Inset Day – School closed
Tue 20th February - FIRST DAY BACK
Thu 30th March - LAST DAY OF TERM
Summer Term 2018
Mon 16th April - Inset Day – School closed
Tue 17th April - FIRST DAY OF TERM
Mon 7th May – Bank Holiday
Mon 28th May to Fri 1st June - Half Term
Mon 4th June - FIRST DAY BACK
Fri 20th July - LAST DAY OF TERM
We have been very impressed with the level of independence Chloe has shown during her learning this week. Chloe challenged herself by completing lots of different maths activities all by herself, using different maths resources to help her. She made an number line of ordinal numbers, practiced her number formation all the way to 23 and found lots of ways to make the teen numbers using Numicon! Fantastic maths learning Chloe!
engage the audience. Julia impressed us all with her imaginative ideas in her writing.
Well done Julia!!
Brandon has made a huge effort this week with his learning and his focus. He has written a fantastic opening and build up of his pirate adventure, using exciting adjectives and adverbs that kept the year 3 team on the edge of their seats! He has also made a huge effort in his before and after school clubs. In breakfast club is was incredibly helpful and he is making great progress in Spanish club. Well done
Victor has been a brilliant mathematician this week! He has worked really hard on the new methods we’ve been learning in class and always pushes himself onto the challenges. He has super sharp mental maths skills too. Well done Victor!
Zohar is a star every week! She puts 100% effort in all of her learning. This week, we have been impressed with her journalistic writing on her newspaper report. We are so lucky to have her in 4W! Keep up all of the great work!
Vitto has been a star in so many things this week! She was an enthusiastic participant in our Romeo & Juliet drama workshop, a great sportsperson at the Sportshall Athletics and has made excellent contributions in all of our lessons. Vitto comes to school every day with a such a positive and hardworking attitude, adding star quality to everything she does!
Ahmad has had a fantastic term! He has been enthusiastic, focused and a helpful member of 6J. His mature attitude on his trips this week also really impressed us – he showed excellent sportsmanship and represented Fox brilliantly. Keep up the excellent effort Ahmad!
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